Dumbo (iTunes Movie - Full HD)

Dumbo (iTunes Movie - Full HD)

Genre: Kids & Family

Released: 1941

An infant elephant with freakish over-sized ears is delivered by a stork to his mother, Mrs. Jumbo. Although she enjoys being a circus performer, Mrs. Jumbo finds it difficult to protect her big-eared baby from the callous jibes of circus folk and fans. One little boy's antics forces her to snatch the child up and spank him with her trunk, causing the ringmaster to lock her up. Lonely, unhappy little Dumbo is snubbed by all the circus animals. A tough, friendly circus mouse, Timonthy, sees the unfair treatment and helps him get into a circus act. After a performance with the clowns, Dumbo and Timothy find themselves high in a tree with no explanation, except that he flew! It doesn't take long for Dumbo to learn that his billowing ears are his secret to flight. He and his mother are reunited and travel happily around the country with Timothy as his manager.


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Dumbo (iTunes Movie - Full HD)


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